(978) 448-1100

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173 Main St.
Groton, MA 01450

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Heron Ridge

Parcel(s): 234-3

Acres: 15.12

Acquired: Deeded as part of the subdivision/special permit process in 1987.

Features: Part of Martins Pond Brook Swamp – nature study, vista, wildlife habitat.

Access: Lost Lake Drive


Regulations for Use of Conservation Land

It is the intent and policy of the Conservation Commission that conservation land be maintained in a natural state where appropriate and with only limited use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. Application of fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides by persons other than the Commission's authorized agents shall require the prior written permission of the Commission.
  • All people are welcome to enjoy themselves without charge in these conservation areas of the Town of Groton from 1/2 hour after sunrise until 1/2 hour after sunset.
  • No cars, trucks, snowmobiles, or other motorized vehicles or powered tools shall be allowed except as permitted by the Conservation Commission.
  • If not posted, areas may be hunted or fished in season with a license and in accord with applicable law.
  • In these areas, no person shall cut, break, remove, deface, defile, or ill-use any structure, fence, and sign or have possession of any part thereof. No growing trees, bushes, plants or flowers shall be defaced or cut, nor shall trails be cut or marked, no dams built nor any structure such as a lean-to, bridge, tower or handrail be constructed, without written authorization of the Conservation Commission.
  • No person shall engage in business, sell or expose for sale, or give away any goods, wares or circulars without a permit.
  • Overnight camping in these areas may be permitted to groups having an adult leader present at all times. Every group shall obtain prior written permission from the Conservation Commission, must obtain a fire permit if open fires are planned, and must each time notify the chief of police of both the exact dates of occupancy and identity of the accompanying responsible adult.
  • No landscape debris, grass clippings, tree cuttings or other similar material or refuse shall be deposited on conservation lands. Trash and litter generated by users shall be removed from the premises when the users depart the premises and shall not be left on the premises in any instance.
  • No personal property or personal landscaping improvements, such as, but not limited to, fences, swing sets, grass sod, sandboxes, irrigation systems, invisible fencing, sheds, vehicles, etc., shall be permitted on conservation lands without previous written authorization from the Conservation Commission.
  • Violations hereof shall be subject to a penalty of $25.00 for the first offense, $50.00 for the second offense, and $100.00 for the third or subsequent offenses. These regulations are subject to enforcement by the non-criminal disposition method pursuant to Section 1-4 of the Code of the Town of Groton.
Adopted 03/14/06
The maps and data displayed on this site are for reference and planning purposes only. The Town of Groton and its mapping contractors assume no legal responsibility for the information contained herein.
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