Chapter 115 of the Acts of 2020 allows for the advance processing of early and absentee ballots. The Advance Removal process is the opening of early and absentee ballot inner envelopes and separating the ballot from that envelope prior to election day. The Advance Deposit process is the placing of the ballot which has already been advance removed into a tabulator prior to election day. This facilitates the processing of ballots such that results on election day can be produced on a timely basis. Please note that election results from Advance Processing will not be produced until after the polls close on election day.
Advance Processing activities will take place daily at Town Hall as needed. Please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 978-448-1100 or if you have questions about Advance Processing.
Central Tabulation is similar to Advance Processing, except that it occurs on election day. It will take place in Town Hall. Early and Absentee ballots received before election day, and not Advance Processed, are opened and tabulated at the Central Tabulation Facility. No results will be produced until after the polls close on election day.
These activities are open to public observation, subject to COVID-19 precautions. Please contact the Town Clerk at 978-448-1100 or should you wish to observe these processes. The number of observers allowed on any given day will be limited.
For dates and times of Advanced Process and Central Tabulation, please see the “Scheduled Elections” page.