(978) 448-1100

Town Hall Offices

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173 Main St.
Groton, MA 01450

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PRESS RELEASE – TOWN ELECTION – Ballot Questions & Arguments

The Town Election will be held May 24 with polls open from 7AM to 8PM. Voting will occur at The Center and Groton-Dunstable Middle School North. Sub-precinct 3A will be in effect, starting with this election. The affected voters will be notified by mail in early April of their precinct change.

The Town ballot will have 2 ballot questions. One question is a non-binding referendum seeking public opinion about modifying the Town Seal. The other question seeks approval of an amendment to the Groton Town Charter to change the position of Town Clerk from elected to appointed.

The town has accepted MGL c53 §18B which provides for the publication of a voter information book about ballot questions. The book must contain “pro” and “con” arguments for each ballot question. “Pro” and “Con” arguments for each question are now being solicited. Arguments are limited to 150 words, and are to be submitted to the Town Clerk.

Please contact the Town Clerk at 978-448-1100 or townclerk@grotonma.gov for more specifics.

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