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Pursuant to Chapter 140, § 173, of the Massachusetts General Laws, any person who fails to register, number, describe and license his or her dog annually by January 1 in the Town of Groton, Middlesex County, and pay the fees and charges under rules and regulations pursuant to Chapter 140, § 139 will be required to pay to the Town of Groton a penalty after the last day of February annually, in accordance with a Fee/Fine Schedule established by the Select Board. By virtue of the Town's acceptance of the applicable provision of Section 139 of Chapter 140 of the General Laws, no fee shall be charged for a license for a dog owned by a person aged 70 years or over, unless the dog is identified as a dangerous dog.
Failure to comply with this section shall constitute a violation of § 128-2 and may subject the owner of any unlicensed dog to financial penalties as are allowed by this chapter or as provided form regulations promulgated by the Select Board.
No owner of any dog shall, while such dog is within the confines of the Town of Groton, allow such dog to be a public disturbance.
Except as otherwise provided by existing statute or in this chapter, any person who violates this chapter shall be subject to the payment of a penalty in the amount of $50 for each violation and for each day of violation, to be recovered for the use of the Town.
For complete information, including a list of definitions, please visit this link. Chapter 128 Dogs
The position of Animal Control Officer was first created in 1992 in response to a major rabies outbreak. The Officer is responsible for:
- removing and destroying animals that are a direct threat to public safety, ie. rabid raccoons, skunks, etc.
Pursuant to MGL 140 amended June 2012:
* acts as agent for Selectmen in investigating dog complaints
* investigates reported violations and enforces town bylaws relating to dogs
* issues citations and fines for violations of bylaws and statutes
* attends dog hearings before Selectmen
* responsible for feeding, boarding, and disposing of stray and nuisance dogs
* responsible for care of town dog pound
Contact Information
Members: 1
Selection: Appointed
Term In Years: 1
Remuneration: Stipend
Selection: Appointed
Term In Years: 1
Remuneration: Stipend
John Greenhalgh
Term Start: 2024-07-01
Term End: 2025-06-30

Robert T. Delaney
Term Start: 2024-07-01
Term End: 2025-06-30