(978) 448-1100

Town Hall Offices

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173 Main St.
Groton, MA 01450

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Town-wide Litter Cleanup

Event Details

Groton Grange #7 will hold their Townwide Litter Cleanup on Saturday, April 24th from 9am to 3PM, and on Sunday, April 25th, from 10am to 3 pm. Register at the table in front of Prescott School on Main Street. Masks and social distancing are required at the registration table.

Trash bags, gloves and bottled water will be provided. Trash bags should be returned to the dumpsters at Prescott School parking lot. Please help to give some TLC back to Groton’s roads, trails, walking paths and parks that have provided so much comfort and relief in this past Covid year. For information call 978-448-3715.

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